
Showing posts from March, 2023

Timeless Guidance for Your Life, Relationships and Growth

 This guidance comes "through" me from God/Source/Higher Self/ Holy Spirit/ whatever name you feel most comfortable with when referencing divine guidance. There may be times of trouble, just as there are times of celebration. What is most important for you to remember is that many of your celebrations occur when you triumph over your difficult times. Far too many people are seeing the difficulties rather than focusing on the growth to be made, the lessons needed, the higher reason for difficult circumstances, and the reason they are in front of you. First and foremost, any difficulty that the personality is upset over can be viewed in a new light, given the higher perspective that transcends the lower view that causes emotional suffering, into the higher view that brings hope, resolution, clarity and most of all, solutions. These times are truly no different and times of ole, and yet, the accelerated growth among the human populous has taken a quantum leap with respect to hig