
Timeless Guidance for Your Life, Relationships and Growth

 This guidance comes "through" me from God/Source/Higher Self/ Holy Spirit/ whatever name you feel most comfortable with when referencing divine guidance. There may be times of trouble, just as there are times of celebration. What is most important for you to remember is that many of your celebrations occur when you triumph over your difficult times. Far too many people are seeing the difficulties rather than focusing on the growth to be made, the lessons needed, the higher reason for difficult circumstances, and the reason they are in front of you. First and foremost, any difficulty that the personality is upset over can be viewed in a new light, given the higher perspective that transcends the lower view that causes emotional suffering, into the higher view that brings hope, resolution, clarity and most of all, solutions. These times are truly no different and times of ole, and yet, the accelerated growth among the human populous has taken a quantum leap with respect to hig

5 Very Effective Ways To Get Over A Broken Heart

Many people put their whole heart into their relationship, sometimes even to the exclusion of spending any time with family and friends. So, when it all goes south, they are left feeling very alone and hurt, with no idea of how to deal with it. Not all relationships last, and when you have had your heart broken, you may need some tips on how to heal and get over a broken heart. Here are 5 effective tips that can be used to mend your broken heart, and at least one of them should work for you. Catch Up Now that you have some time, get back in touch with your family and friends. One tip here is not to let your family and friends get away from you in future relationships, but enjoy their company with your new partner to enrich yours and their lives. Your family and friends can provide some much-needed support and understanding at this time and let you know that you are still loved and lovable. The one thing that hurts the most in a breakup is the feeling of rejection. Take Care Now is a go

How to Stay Together and Avoid Breakup Letters Or Break Up Texts

It is the last thing that you want to receive in the mailbox. No-one likes them, and they cause you to feel a cold chill in the pit of your stomach when you open the envelope, and unfold the letter and there is a "Dear John" letter... With technology these days, it is not even uncommon anymore to get a "Dear John" text - is a relationship and the person you once professed to care so much about, not even worth a face-to-face "goodbye" or do we just want to eliminate our own pain too much? You will be happy to hear there is good news, you can avoid break up letters and messages. There is a verse in the Bible that advises that you reap what you sow, so to avoid being in that unenviable position of receiving a dismissive missive, work on your relationship and treat your lover with respect, kindness and love. Give them your time and attention, no matter how busy life is. You cannot ever be too busy for the one person who is most important to you. If you neglect