How to Stay Together and Avoid Breakup Letters Or Break Up Texts

It is the last thing that you want to receive in the mailbox.

No-one likes them, and they cause you to feel a cold chill in the pit of your stomach when you open the envelope, and unfold the letter and there is a "Dear John" letter...

With technology these days, it is not even uncommon anymore to get a "Dear John" text - is a relationship and the person you once professed to care so much about, not even worth a face-to-face "goodbye" or do we just want to eliminate our own pain too much?

You will be happy to hear there is good news, you can avoid break up letters and messages.

There is a verse in the Bible that advises that you reap what you sow, so to avoid being in that unenviable position of receiving a dismissive missive, work on your relationship and treat your lover with respect, kindness and love. Give them your time and attention, no matter how busy life is. You cannot ever be too busy for the one person who is most important to you. If you neglect them, they will lose love for you and want to leave the relationship. Love is the key to a happy relationship, and love is expressed through attention, kindness, respect, admiration, trust, etc, so if these things are missing then your relationship will begin to crumble.

Can you stop this happening? Most assuredly, and it does not need to be difficult either.

If you have been distracted and not spent as much time with your partner as they would like, change that. Nothing in life is more important than the person you love. Show them what they mean to you, tell them you love them, do some things you know that they like, to let them know you are thinking of them. Little things mean a lot. My husband brings me a cuppa and breakfast in bed most mornings as a sign of his affection for me, and it makes me feel great and reminds me that he loves me very much. You could take the children out for the day so your partner can have some time for herself, or you could make him a cup of coffee and a snack while he watches his game on TV. Do something that your partner likes or alternatively do something for them that they would normally do.

Pay your partner compliments, treat them with kindness, let them know that you love them by telling them so. It is a little effort for a great return.

Showing love or being loving is not that difficult. Showing respect can be a little harder but is equally as important, perhaps even more so. Nothing says "I Love You" quite as much as being respectful of your partner when you are in mixed company. Remember or learn how to actively listen to your "other half" when they are talking with you, this too is a measure of the respect and esteem you hold them in. Without it, they will lose faith in the relationship and in your love for them.

Find time to be together. Many relationships founder and fall apart simply because the couple spends little or no time together. Book an appointment with each other on a regular basis and keep it.

Being together does not mean that you cannot have your own opinion and you can agree to disagree, just remember to respect the others right to be an individual. Argue in a healthy way, by following the rules of addressing the issue and not attacking each other. Deal with things as they come up and resolve them.

I am sure your mother told you, "Do not let the sun set on your anger." Wise advice!

By following these tips, you will ensure you have done everything you can to avoid breakup letters and worse yet, break up texts.


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